ZERO97 is a project whose purpose is the enhancement, conservation and implementation of the urban art heritage of the city of San Donato Milanese, created in the last 25 years thanks to the constant work of individual artists, collectives and local and international realities. Inside this OPEN AIR MUSEUM, IED Milano students Kezia Allisia Panjaitan (Indonesia), Ilaria Eguia (Italy) and Hrafnhildur Anna Francis RAVEN (Iceland), coordinated by the Artist and Designer Marta Biasi, were involved in the creation of a murals, just behind the city hall, on the theme of INEQUALITY between men and women. An inequality that each of the students has interpreted differently according to their personal experiences and places of origin.
The result is a mural that speaks a lot and with simplicity. From a reinterpretation of the original sin where we tend to blame Eve instead of the couple, to a circle of sweet and different beasts who imprison the word "HATE" to tell that only in diversity is it possible to contain brutality up to a realistic vision of a smartphone that asks if we are safely returned home, something that seems obvious but which, often, unfortunately is not. The 3 students together with Marta Biasi unsheathed brushes and colors and told with images 3 stories that speak of INEQUALITY and make us reflect on how much there is to work every day for our rights, not male or female but simply HUMAN RIGHTS. Last but not the least a sentence surrounds the beautiful designs and ideas: