ESPERANTO IS NOT A BRAND - (R)evolution of the Graphic Symbolism of ESPERANTO
Esperanto is one of the most beautiful language projects in the world. For those who don't know it, we are talking about an artificial language, or rather a planned one, conceived at the end of the 19th century by the Polish ophthalmologist Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof for his desire to become a language in favor of linguistic democracy among peoples and which is currently, despite the difficulty of a statistical analysis, it is spoken by an estimated number of people between 20,000 and 2 million.
This book was born out of years of bar talk between the two authors, a Designer and an Esperantist, and analyzes with a critical eye not the words but the visual symbols with which Esperanto is proposed to the world. From its green star to the flag up to talking about football shirts and proposals for relaunch and change. This small booklet talks about the symbols that this language has accumulated over time to promote its values and its global diffusion on a semiotic and non-semantic level, i.e. visual and non-verbal. What tools do you use to communicate a language that doesn't have a country? We know, for example, that Italian has its visual representation in the Tricolore, which goes beyond the language by expanding to the culture and history of the nation: but Esperanto?
BOB Liuzzo & Riccardo Lamperti