A book dedicated to those who have created a brand, witnessed its growth and change. To those who have faced the challenge of making it successful. To those who have imitated, acquired, or inherited it. To those who have fallen in love with it and have put their all into making it great. But also to those who still think that the brand and the logo are the same thing. To those who believe it's just a name and a symbol. To those who are convinced it's just a sign to hang on the doorbell.
For a soccer player, getting free is a matter of freedom, just like it is for a basketball player, a volleyball player, or a cyclist: skillfully overcoming the opponent, surpassing the resistance of the rising wall, breaking away from the pack, and pursuing their own goal. Getting free means not conforming to what surrounds us but occupying the spaces where we feel free to seize the opportunity to be truly different. And that's why "Smarcati" is the silent cry of undisciplined marketing, an appeal for respect and care for that delicate and wonderful element that is the brand.
To create this book, the Author has met and interviewed 25 professionals, chosen for the uniqueness of the skills they have demonstrated in their professions: art directors, journalists, university professors, graphic designers, sociologists, photographers, entrepreneurs, experience designers, marketing managers, marketing strategists, copywriters, athletes..
Federico Frasson
a chat with the author (Italian)